James Morgan Almond, Jr. (1806-1883) was
married to Amanda N. M. Fortson (1817-1898).
Died.—James Almond died at his home, in Elbert county, Georgia, at twenty minutes before 6 o'clock a.m. on the 29th day of November, 1883. He was born March 6, 1806; consequently, was nearly 78 years of age.
In August, 1828, he professed religion, and after searching the Bible for his duty, joined the Baptist Church at Dove's Creek, being baptized by Rev. William Manning; and from then until his death, accepted the Holy Bible, and nothing but the Bible, for his rule of faith and practice. He loved it dearer than words could express. He was a consistent, and of the main pillars of old Dove's Creek Church, from the time he joined it until his happy dismission. The brethren of his own and other churches all loved and honored him; he was often called upon for counsel, which was always cheerfully given, with quotations of Scripture to corroborate. About three years ago this dear departed one was partially stricken with paralysis, which gradually grew worse until his death. He was fully conscious of his condition all the while, and seemed to have no desire to talk of anything but the boundless mercies of God, and to admonish his children, his grandchildren, his friends and neighbors, to devote their lives, their talents and then all to God.
For the last six months he was so weak that he could not read the book he so dearly loved—the Bible—which grieved him so much! but his devoted children would sit by his bedside and read the precious truths to him.
A short time before his death he stated to his wife and children that he never wanted them to look upon his grave and think he was there; for his soul would be with the blessed Savior, and that his body was nothing.
Oh! how calmly and cheerfully he spoke of his approaching death! He often stated that he was willing—yea, more than willing to go—"for," he said, "that blessed Jesus who has favored me, and all of you, with so many unspeakable blessings, and in whom I have so long trusted, now has His all-saving arms beneath me, and is now welcoming me to that 'place' which He has gone to prepare for His redeemed."
The day before his death, he called to his side his faithful companion, and his dutiful children, and requested them to meet him in Heaven. (O God, grant that this request may be realized.)
From thence he was speechless, except indistinct whispers, yet he was rational—so much so that he knew everything until his last breath.
I have witnessed many deaths, but never saw one die more cheerfully, willingly nor resignedly.
He leaves a wife, five daughters, four sons, and thirty-four grandchildren surviving him.
O thou dearest departed one! Thou art not dead, but only asleep in Jesus; no sorrows there, no sighs, no groans to mingle with the songs that warble from immortal, angelic tongues; oft thou hast fought the battles against sin; thou hast had they cares, thy trials and thy troubles, but now thou art gone to thy immortal home with Jesus, Whom thou didst love and serve so well in this life. The grave which may seem cold to thy body is sanctified, and in the resurrection morning thou shalt rise.
"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord; yea, saith the Spirit, for they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them."
"Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep
From which none ever wakes to weep—
A calm and undisturbed repose
Unbroken by the last of foes."
December 9th, 1883
John Wright Boyd, A Family History: Lt. Thomas Fortson (1742-1824) and Some of His Descendants—Early Settler of Elbert County, Georgia (Danielsville, Ga.: Heritage Papers, 1973), p. 247-48.