John Airhart (1814-1904) was the second son
and fifth child of Peter Airhart and Elizabeth Fulwider,
parents of fourteen children,
and was married to Catherine Loop.
This biography was published in
Early Life and Times in Boone County Indiana* in 1887.
This old veteran was born in Virginia, August 24, 1814, and was a son of Peter Airhart. John was married to Catherine Loop the 7th day of January, 1841, in Jefferson Township, Boone County [Indiana]. Mrs. Airhart was the daughter of Christian and Eva Loop, who were also pioneers of Boone County, coming as early as 1834. Mr. Loop died in 1879, aged ninety years; Mrs. Loop died in 1866; both are buried at the Providence Cemetery, in Jefferson Township. John Airhart's parents are also buried at the same cemetery. John Airhart, the subject of this sketch, was among the early citizens of Jefferson Township. He came October 6, 1834. Has resided on his present farm since 1842. He drove a team from Virginia, and on arriving here found but little to encourage him. Their neighbors were few and far between, but those few were social in the extreme. Some of his happiest days were spent in his "cabin" home in the woods. Mr. Airhart is a good citizen and enjoys the confidence of his neighbors. His active days, however, are over. He and his aged companion are quietly living at home, having went through life in all its phases; have had their joys and sorrows like others who were pioneers. There was born to them two children, Eva Elizabeth, born 10th of December, 1841; she was married to Franklin Wheatly November 7th, 1857. The other child died in infancy. Mrs. Airhart belongs to the Christian Church. In person Mr. Airhart is tall, dark hair and complexion.
*Early Life and Times in Boone County Indiana (Lebanon, Ind.: Harden & Spahr, 1887), p. 227.